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There are many instances where the terms concrete and cement are used to refer to the same things, when they are in fact, very much different. However, because concrete cannot come into existence without cement, they can be confused with each other. More so, we often see that most concrete is gray, and with this, the powdery material that is cement alone is also gray. To make it simpler, cement is a type of adhesive or binding material that is a major component of concrete. As they are often used together, they can be confused a lot in this manner.
Yes, concrete is not limited to just one type. There can be various ones made and produced just by the simple modification of the amounts of the components present in it. For example, there may be a circumstance when it is necessary to have more rock present in the mix to have more compressive strength. This results in a whole new type of concrete. To balance out the proportions, you will lessen something to make room for what will be added in another aspect. It takes much expertise, however, to know exactly how to make these specific kinds of concrete.
In our experience, we know that most people need a concrete contractor to help them manage their property construction. Whether you are going to have a development in the setting of residential properties or in a commercial one, and even in the making of public properties, it is important that professionals handle the work. Otherwise, you run the risk of making a lot of errors in the process. If you are to get a concrete contractor, be sure to partner with one that has ample experience in the service that you need. Make no compromises and make sure that you work with the best.
No, concrete will not set very well if the day of its pouring has coincided with a heavy downpour. Hence, at our company, we try as much as possible to make sure that all we avoid this by informed scheduling. In the worst-case scenario, we have waterproof tarps ready that can protect your concrete so that the damage can be mitigated. The reason why having concrete set in the rain is not ideal is because it adds a drastic amount of volume beyond what was measured. This can permanently alter the concrete, increasing its volume and increasing the risk for early cracking.
Yes, it can be painted. Putting paint on concrete is among the best and most practical options that you have for adding a little bit of color to it. This is a very simple technique, and it will not require much special considerations. But you have to remember that it will not be right to use just any kind of paint for a project that will involve concrete. It will always be most ideal to use masonry paint or elastomeric paint since this has been specially formulated to work with concrete. This is best used with a brush or roller.
The cracking of concrete can be attributed to more than just one reason. The one that we will mostly think about is the direct damage on concrete that can be induced by anything mechanical. However, in studies, this is just a minor aspect of why concrete cracks. The ones with the most drastic effects are those that involve mistakes that have happened when the concrete is just being prepared. Hence, if your concrete easily cracked within a few months from having it poured, you can expect that the mistake may have been from errors committed in making the mix proportions and the like.
It will take an average of 7 days before the newly poured concrete will set to about 90% of its expected strength and hardness. Therefore, it will be safer if you can wait a little longer than this before you start driving on it. At our company, we recommend giving it at least 10 days to cure properly. Otherwise, it can change drastically because of the stresses that driving on it can have when it is not yet set well. While you can drive on it at this time, you are expected not to park on it yet until after a month.
You can use a concrete sealer applied upon the surface of your concrete as an added layer of protection. This can serve as a guard against minor surface scratches, wear, and even chemical spills. You can easily buy these from any of your local hardware shops. Check the labels and you may find acrylic, polyurethane, or epoxy used as the main ingredient. Acrylic is something that we recommend since it can provide a good level. Even if you just reapply this every 2 to 5 years, it can offer a great level of protection, so it will be a wise decision to use it.
Yes, like many things, concrete is something that can be affected by the weather. One factor from the weather is the temperature. In general, it is not advisable to hold a concrete pouring project in the middle of winter. Why, you ask? This is because the very cold temperature can cause the mixture of concrete to freeze instead of curing. Concrete that has been frozen cannot be used anymore. Another problem that we encounter often is rain. Rain would be adding too much volume in the concrete mix, and this will be beyond what is right for the concrete mix.
Choosing between concrete and asphalt should not be a difficult choice to make. Concrete is far better than asphalt in many aspects, hence, it is always available to choose it for a driveway. It has a better consistency and will generally be more durable. If costs are really an issue, then all the more should you choose concrete. At first, it may seem that asphalt is the better choice. But then, you will soon learn that asphalt will need so much maintenance to that it can stay in good shape. In the long run, choosing concrete will be cheaper and more practical.
The definition of ‘good concrete’ can be quite complex. So, there may be multiple mix proportions that would fit for being called as good enough as far as concrete is concerned. But in general, we do have one mix that goes well along with almost anything. This mix is known to us as the 4/2/1 mixture, which is composed of 4 parts, 2 parts, and 1 part of crushed rock, sand, and cement, respectively. This is in no way the perfect concrete mix as the ideals may vary from situation to situation. Without any special considerations, this is usually good enough.
Yes, concrete can be recycled, and we are proud to say that we are among concrete companies in our area who complies with the processes and protocols that are necessary to have concrete recycled. If you will undergo a concrete demolition and removal project with us, all the concrete that will result from dismantling the structure will be brought to the appropriate sites where they can be recycled. We will also be in charge of loading these into the trucks and in transporting them to the places tasked for renewing concrete so that it can be used again for construction.
Testing concrete is one of the simplest tests that we can do to make sure that we are giving you the best possible quality of concrete. Very simple processes are involved including the measurement of the air content and the slump test. We can obtain a lot of important information from these tests which will help us determine if something had gone wrong with concrete early on. By testing, we will also have an idea on how we can best address the problem. Hence, just doing these simple assessments can avoid bigger problems in the future, and it can also make sure that you get the best concrete possible.
The processes involved in removing stains from concrete can be easier than you would think. In fact, these are so easy, that you would hardly need any professional help to do them. An important tip that we can give you if you will be attempting to remove the stains on your concrete is to make sure that you have a cleaning material that contains sodium triphosphate in its active ingredients. This substance is potent at targeting stains on concrete. It will also be good practical advise to let he stain soak first. Then, you can scrub it off easily after.
Actually, you may be familiar with the fact that concrete is simply one of the kinds of materials that will not require too much aggressive maintenance. Nevertheless, it will still be smart if you can employ some simple methods that can ensure concrete will last longer and will remain in good condition. A very simple thing that you can do is the application of a concrete sealer. Even if you just repeat this every few years, the difference it makes can be significant. For structural issues, it will be great if you could check the structure and have it assessed regularly.
The main reason why concrete is gray is because of its components. We are all familiar with the fact that concrete is a composite material. From that, we know that it is something that holds a lot of other materials to be completed. The sum of the colors of that comprise it gray. Since rocks and sand are materials that occur in nature, there may be some slight variability in their color. However, for concrete which follows a somewhat standard process of manufacturing, the color gray is almost constant, and this is what will make the nerite concrete colored gray.
It is a common mistake that people think that concrete gain strength by drying out. The truth is it does not. On the other hand, it actually relies on the presence of water to gain more strength. When the cement part of the concrete is mixed with water, one of the most important processes in the making of concrete happens. This is the hydration reaction. This will later on also be the process responsible for making all the other components in the mixture bind together. This is completed by the time all water is out, hence it coincides with the drying of concrete.